I offer personal training or nutritional recommendations to those who want to lose fat, build muscle, or gain strength. You can shop my services here.

I created scienceandiron.net to educate others about fitness. Through coaching services, podcast appearances, and research-based writing, I help others reach their fitness goals. My work conveys relevant science to make body recomposition/health less difficult. Many fitness websites, like BuiltwithScience.com, myoleanfitness.com, sci-fit.net, Renaissance Periodization, and more, have featured my work.
My Coaching Philosophy
I believe that the coach-client relationship should entail more than simply discussion about training or nutrition. I look to improve my client’s life in any way that I can. I strive to deliver the best coaching experience and results possible. I am willing to answer any questions and help promote lasting habit change for my client’s long-term betterment. Throughout the coaching process, I intend to educate my clients enough for them to longer require my services. Every client receives at least 1 weekly Skype consultation in which they can address all issues they intend to discuss. In return, I expect my client to respect the relationship and provide any data I need in order to help them. I empathize with the struggle of lifestyle change, and as such I’m always willing to work through issues that may interfere with a client’s results. I look forward to helping you look your best.